Thursday, March 18, 2010

Are you friends with your parents on facebook?

It may just be me but I really enjoy studying people and just observing their behaviors. The transition to parents joining facebook and the uproar it has caused has been very amusing to observe. I wondered to myself why is it that big of a deal? Until I thought about how I would feel if my parents had joined facebook.

I personally did not get a facebook account until I moved out of the house because my mom was so against the idea of any social networking site. She thought they were of the devil, this may be a little extreme but it's the best way I can come up with to express what she thought. Since then I have slowly been trying to show here the benefits of facebook and help her see that change isn't always that bad. It's been working. She has not yet joined facebook but I am constantly having to relay messages for her through it or I will get on with her every once in a while to give her updates of family members and good friends. I feel victorious in convincing her that it's not that bad but I still wonder how I would feel if she actually joined.

Honestly I have nothing to hide so I guess I wouldn't mind too much it's just a weird thing to think about. In this article about the petitions to keep parents from joining facebook Taylor is quoted, I would have to agree with him.
"People shouldn't be putting anything inappropriate on Facebook anyway," Taylor said. "Why would you want what you're doing in public? It'll come back to haunt you in some way or another."

Even if you don't have inappropriate thing posted there could still be times where older adults and parents really should just avoid it but then again we wouldn't have awkward funny stories to tell check out this website where you can post your own experiences with your parents on facebook, some of them are almost painful but hilarious


  1. So true, I get really weirded out when older people bishop, my chemistry teacher people like that request your friendship.

  2. haha yeah... i think facebook's awesome for group events and staying in touch with old buddies. if my teacher requests my friendship for the right reasons, then i'll be more than happy to accept it.

  3. Not only am I friends with one of my parents, but all of my aunts and uncles... AND my grandma!

  4. Yes, I am friends with my parents on Facebook.

  5. dude. the irony of this is that i just un-friended my parents on facebook not two weeks ago. sorry mom!

  6. I am friends with my dad on facebook, cause my mom doesn't have her own account. i dont have anything to hide, so its a good way to communicate once and a while. the weird part for me is when parents of kids in my highschool class try to add me. first, i didnt even know your kid that well, and second who are you? you're like 55 years old. i think that's weird.

  7. I thought it was so weird when my parents both got facebook, And even stranger when my grandma did!
