Thursday, April 1, 2010

Here is a video I found called "25 things I hate about facebook." I thought it was fairly entertaining and did a good job of covering the main things about facebook that drives people nuts. Or at least I agree with almost everything on his list and have many friends who have expressed the same frustrations. Julian Smith (the guy in this video) does say that he likes facebook there are just some aspects of it that are annoying.

This got me thinking. I too think facebook is a good thing and enjoy the benefits that come with it. I believe just by the mere popularity of it that there are thousands of other people who also really enjoy it. For something that is so well liked there sure is a lot of complaining about it? it's interesting how whenever there is something that has acquired so much attention there is just as much negative as there is positive. It all depends on how you look at it.


  1. Haha. Cool video. The "dude, do you want to be in my group thing" is funny and so true.

  2. haha awesome video. It's so true, people will always find something to complain about.

  3. ha ha so true. Obviously people like facebook but man there really are a lot of things to complain about.
