Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Are you a Stalker?

Is stalking someone on facebook a bad thing? sounds kind of creepy and I'm sure most of us cringe at the idea. But think about it, haven't we all done it at least once? When we have a date with someone you don't know very well, or even if you meet someone in a class that you think is cute, you're talking to a friend and want to know who they are talking about, there are lots of different reasons we come up with to stalk someone we're not yet friends with. While it sounds weird there really are times where it's helpful to get to know someone. If someone puts their information on the internet they have given authorization for others to view it.

I'm not going to lie but when I see that one of my facebook friends comments on a picture of me from a while ago I get this unnerving feeling. Not that I mind because they are my friends and like I said I authorized them to view the content in my profile. It's just weird to think people randomly go through all of my pictures, I do it to others so who am I to complain? Stalking whether it is of people you don't know or are already friends with is an interesting concept. It's totally okay until you realize other people could be doing it to you then it sounds creepy.


  1. i'm going to delete all of my pictures on facebook now.

  2. Creepy? Yes. But isn't that the point of facebook? (To look at pictures, that is, not to be creepy.) :]

  3. It is a weird feeling to know that someone has been through all your pictures...But you're right, I think that we have all facebook stalked someone atleast once!

  4. So true! I will "stalk" peoples page and not think anything of it, but then I think about who may be looking at my page and it makes it much creepier. Oh well!

  5. SO TRUE! Whenever I get a comment on a picture that is really old it kind of weirds me out that people are looking at my pictures...but I'm guilty too. Facebook has made us all stalkers:(

  6. This deffinetly makes me re-evaluate what photos and info I post.

  7. I'll admit that I am a total facebook stalker.

  8. facebook stalking goes hand in hand with the ward menu
